Hey man, as I put up in the Audio Pub Discord, I wasn't going to leave an in-depth review of the tracks I judged proactively, but in your case I'm making an exception. I stand by the (poor) score I gave you, but your track has so far been the only one where it pained me to do so. My judgment is split 50/50 between composition and production values. Your composition is bloody awesome. In terms of songwriting, you definitely have what it takes and the nostalgia levels are through the roof. But the dynamic processing on the track is so bad that the final production is just, well... bust. Every single beat every single instrument is fighting to be the loudest, adding a huffing and pumping quality to the sound that just makes the song impossible to listen to - and all the while your not even close to mixing/mastering at full volume. So you have tons of headroom to fix this, which all go completely unused. It's like serving a chicken that is absolutely exquisitely marinated but also fried for several hours and thus impossible to chew, and digestibility is still a very solid prerequisite.
My advice to you: read up on dynamic processing and focus on giving all the instruments their proper place in the mix in terms of loudness. Once you have the dynamics down, you can further fine-tune that positioning using EQ and some reverb/delay.
You get a better grasp on this and your songs could be insanely awesome. I'm very sorry you didn't make it to the next round, but I hope this helps you to up your game and do incredibly well on the next challenge. Feel free to get in touch with me if you want to discuss further.