Lemme know what drugs you're on please, seems like I might want to try those XD
The only drug I've got was my Twitch chat! XP
Thanks a million for your contribution man, proud to wave this as the competition flag <3
Thanks dude, and no problem :)!
Thank you, you amazing creature <3
Thanks for everything
Thank you for being a great dude <3 Have yourself an awesome birthday :)
Self-portrait? :D
Reflections are upsetting.
Don't quit your day job
Bold of you to assume that I'm employed.
Your style and creatures are truly amazing
Thank you so much, Lucky!!
Good to see there's some color back on your cheeks
Oh, you would know all about colourful cheeks, wouldn't you? ;)
I thought I was your favorite schmuck D:
Oh, Dee, you're my favorite dummy, not schmuck :)
Like your style. It's suitably creepy yet kind of childish, playful, I don't know. Looking forward to more of your work.
Thank you very much. This was a quick sketch i made, so this doesn't exactly reflect my artstyle. I still appreciate your feedback though, i might try to make more drawings in this style.
Never half-ass two things.
Whole-ass one thing.
Age 43
Joined on 12/15/13