If you're looking for voice actors for that animation... :D
If you're looking for voice actors for that animation... :D
Lemme know what drugs you're on please, seems like I might want to try those XD
The only drug I've got was my Twitch chat! XP
Thanks a million for your contribution man, proud to wave this as the competition flag <3
Thanks dude, and no problem :)!
Thank you, you amazing creature <3
Thanks for everything
Thank you for being a great dude <3 Have yourself an awesome birthday :)
This is absolutely stunningly gorgeous
Beautiful, Boo
Self-portrait? :D
Reflections are upsetting.
Sucking at something is no reason to give up - on the contrary, if the only way is up, you're going to be in for one hell of a ride :)
Don't quit your day job
Bold of you to assume that I'm employed.
Never half-ass two things.
Whole-ass one thing.
Age 43
Joined on 12/15/13